Blogzilla 3.0 is Now Live!

I know what you are all thinking; finally, like Arnold in the final astonishing moments of Total Recall, you can breathe again. Bladezilla’s life-giving air has exploded topside to save you, the woman you love and all the colonists-turned-rebels who didnt think they had a chance but managed to perservere. Somehow. Its all going to be ok, now. Put your eyes back inside your face.

But unlike Total Recall – yes! the metaphor doesnt end there, you wonderful, lucky readership, you! – the credits arent about to roll. In fact the blog is only just beginning. The best is yet to come! Who knows? Maybe there will even be a picture of Joleen here.

Yes, Dewey, she will have three boobs.

Enjoy the site! And comment like motherfuckers!


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Mr. Zilla says:

    This is the sexiest damn thing you have ever done, Mr. Zilla!
    Thanks, Me!
    Your welcome.

  2. Mike says:

    So this is what was distracting you when we were supposed to be focused on WoW? Well done.

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